CONSTRUCTION - Design and Build

Construction is a core area of business we partake in since our inception. ENT Construction is skilled in translating ideas into actual structural buildings and design. Our arsenal of professionals consisting of seasoned architects and engineers are equipped with applaudable project management competency that guarantees effective delivery of deliverables. The spectrum of construction services helmed under our belt include residential, commercial and purpose-built buildings.
At ENT Construction, we build with passion and dedication. We provide all clients with caseby-case consultation and personalized service, ultimately to make buildings that work and faces that smile.
Nowadays, the construction industry in Malaysia is critical to the country’s revenue generation and the development of socio-economic infrastructure and buildings. More than one million people are employed in the business. The construction industry in Malaysia provides the socioeconomic infrastructure for industrial growth and production, as well as basic amenities such as residential and commercial space, parks, playgrounds, stadiums, health care units, and other basic infrastructure required for the country to develop and improve society’s living standards. As a result, we strive to be the top construction company in Malaysia, providing the highest quality services and products to our clients while also transforming Malaysia into a successful, competitive, dynamic, strong, and resilient nation.
At ENT Construction, we build with passion and dedication. We provide all clients with caseby-case consultation and personalized service, ultimately to make buildings that work and faces that smile.
Nowadays, the construction industry in Malaysia is critical to the country’s revenue generation and the development of socio-economic infrastructure and buildings. More than one million people are employed in the business. The construction industry in Malaysia provides the socioeconomic infrastructure for industrial growth and production, as well as basic amenities such as residential and commercial space, parks, playgrounds, stadiums, health care units, and other basic infrastructure required for the country to develop and improve society’s living standards. As a result, we strive to be the top construction company in Malaysia, providing the highest quality services and products to our clients while also transforming Malaysia into a successful, competitive, dynamic, strong, and resilient nation.